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  • Where to Submit Articles for Publication

    One method for getting high-quality links is to write quality articles and submit them to other web sites for publication.Each article should include a link back to your web site.

    These links are better than links from link pages, because there tend to be very few outbound links on the article page.

    Write a brief article on some topic related to the topic of your web site. Do not write an article about your web site, but write an article that would be interesting to people who would also be interested in your web site.

    Send this article to webmasters who maintain web sites on topics similar to the topic of your article. Explain to them that they can post your article for free on their web sites, in return for a link to your web site.

    There are several web sites which specialize in distributing articles for you. Some of these sites are:

    Web Site Comments
    Blog Telecast
    EzineArticles Very friendly interface. Only allows 5 free submissions.
    Yahoo Free-Content – Web Editors & Authors Article Exchange
    About.com: Small Business Information
    Super Publisher
    Article Central Does not post articles to their web site. Posts redirected links to articles on authors sites. Most likely not worth submitting articles to.
    Article Alley
    Article Blast
    Article Central
    Article City URLs are allowed but HTML code are automatically stripped out.
    Article Cube
    Article Dashboard
    Article Directory
    Article Fever
    Article Hangout
    Article Heaven
    Article Hut
    Article Insider
    Articles 4 Content
    Articles Factory
    Articles House
    Article World
    Author Connection
    BPubs Business publications only. (broadly defined)
    Click For Content Article links are stripped out. Links in authors bios are also stripped out. Probably not worth submitting to.
    Deposit Articles
    Directory Gold
    EzineArticles Submission
    Go Articles
    IdeaMarketers Only one account is allowed, and the authors bio is shared between all articles.
    Impact Articles
    Internet Home Business Articles
    Knowledge Bed No links are allowed in articles without a reciprocal link or payment. Submission form does not actually submit your article, it sends an e-mail telling the webmaster that you wish to submit an article.
    Learning Folder Nice clean user interface with very modern editor.
    Mag Portal
    NetterWeb Good user interface.
    New Articles Online
    Niche’ Article Directory
    RLRouse Submission via plain-text e-mail only.
    Simply Search 4 It
    Smart Ads No HTML allowed.
    Software Marketing Resource
    Submit Your Article
    Ultimate Article Directory
    Web Articles
    Writing Career Removes all links from body and authors bio. Most likely not worth submitting articles to.

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    1. Shahzad Khan

      26 July, 2012 at 12:03 pm

      Thanks for such a useful list

    2. sheldon

      30 May, 2012 at 4:43 am

      I had a web page for about 8 years which I just closed and now just use my blog. During that time I wrote numerous linked articles which are still floating around the internet and yet I don’t recall getting a single inquiry from any of them to my web page. Frankly I think that article writing is a useless way of getting hits to your site.

    3. sharetipsinfo

      3 November, 2011 at 10:26 am

      Day trading is quite easy if ready to use research in the form of stock market tips is available

    4. Okwuosah Osita

      6 January, 2011 at 9:37 am

      Well, what are the steps to be taken in writing an article for publication

    5. Charles Bannister

      20 December, 2010 at 12:52 pm


      This is a great post, article website links seem to be hard to come across. A lot of them don’t work though, but I suppose that’s a given some get overwhelmed.

      • admin

        22 December, 2010 at 2:52 pm

        I deleted the dead entries and added some good new entries, but this list could still use a lot of improvement in terms of describing each of the resources.

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