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    • 0x80070035


      As the number of home computer users creating local networks increases, so does the number of Operating Systems (OS’s) used in homes or small business. As long as the version of Windows OS running on the network is Windows XP SP2 or newer, all of the computers should be able to be linked and information

    • Planning and Implementing a DNS Namespace

      Planning and Implementing a DNS Namespace

      Host Name Resolution Overview In networks running the TCP/IP protocol suite, IP address information is used to forward packet to the destination computer. The packets that are transmitted over the network contain the IP address of the computer sending the packet; and the IP address of the destination computer intended to receive the packet. The

    • How to Add or Change Keyboard Language Layout in Windows 10?

      How to Add or Change Keyboard Language Layout in Windows 10?

      During the install process of Windows 10 you will have the option to choose the keyboard layout. If you don’t choose anything, Windows will choose the keyboard layout depending on the country you picked. Keyboard layouts are usually language specific, so the layout will not be the same for English, German, Serbian, French or let’s

    • Lsass.exe System Error

      Lsass.exe System Error

      The Lsass.exe System Error is a problem that may affect a computer system running Windows XP. Lsass (Local Security Authentication Subsystem Service) manages the log in process information for accounts on the system. Three things that may cause an error with the Lsass.exe process: The msvcrt.dll file was corrupted or replaced with an incompatible version.

    • Error 721

      Error 721

      Error 721 is a Microsoft error which is encountered after making an unsuccessful attempt to establish a virtual private network (VPN) connection to a corporate network by using a Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) client. You may even get an error 721 after making an unsuccessful attempt to establish a dial-up connection after upgrading your computer

    • Planning a Group Policy Strategy

      Planning a Group Policy Strategy

      On Overview on Group Policy Before you can consider to even begin planning a Group Policy implementation in your organization, you have to understand a few important aspects of Group Policy. Microsoft initially introduced group policies in Windows NT to assist administrators in managing the desktop configuration settings of users and computers. Windows Server 2000

    • Active Directory Groups

      Active Directory Groups

      Groups are containers that contain user and computer objects within them as members. When security permissions are set for a group in the Access Control List on a resource, all members of that group receive those permissions. Domain Groups enable centralized administration in a domain. All domain groups are created on a domain controller. In

    • Installing and Configuring NAT

      Installing and Configuring NAT

      In Routing and Remote Access Service (RRAS), NAT can be used to provide basic Internet connectivity for small offices or home offices. NAT translates IP addresses and associated TCP/UDP port numbers on the private network to public IP addresses which can be routed on the Internet. Through NAT, host computers are able to share a

    • Understanding Certificate Authorities

      Understanding Certificate Authorities

      An Overview on Certificate Authorities In the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), digital certificates are based on public key cryptography. The PKI consists of a set of components, policies, protocols, and technologies that provide data authentication, integrity, and confidentiality through the use of certificates, and public and private keys. Data is protected by applying a hashing

    • Resolving ntdll.dll Errors

      Resolving ntdll.dll Errors

      The ntdll.dll file is a Microsoft dynamic link library file that contains the NT kernel functions for a computer running the Windows Operating System (OS). The file is normally found in the windowssystem32 or the winntsystem32 directories. Windows computer users may come across the “Unknown Hard Drive Ntdll.dll Error” message. A corrupted or damaged ntdll.dll

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