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    • How to Enable Java

      How to Enable Java

      The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is a collection of software programs and data modules that forms part of the Java and Java 2 platforms. JVM works across all platforms and it alters Java bytecode into machine understandable code and executes it. It acts as a clone of a Java processor allowing Java bytecode to be

    • Java Servlet

      Java Servlet

      A Java Servlet is the Java technology used to extend and improve Web server functionality. Servlets are able to provide a platform independent way to build web-based applications founded upon components without the performance limitations found with comparable CGI applications. Since Java Servlets are platform and server independent, they can be deployed across the full

    • Exception Handling

      Exception Handling

      There are two kinds of exceptions, namely, synchronous exceptions and asynchronous exceptions. Errors such as “out-of-range index” and “over-flow” belong to the synchronous type exceptions. The errors that are caused by events beyond the control of the program (such as keyboard interrupts) are called asynchronous exceptions. The proposed exception handling mechanism in C++ is designed

    • Java vs. JavaScript

      Java vs. JavaScript

      Java and JavaScript are two different programming languages meant for different purposes and functionality. Java is an application programming language designed to write stand-alone Java programs and web applications running on the Internet. JavaScript is a client-side scripting language specifically designed to work with various web technologies, but on the client’s end. To understand the

    • What Are the Benefits of PHP?

      What Are the Benefits of PHP?

      The programming language called PHP is quickly rising to be one of the most preferred web browser programming languages due to its user-friendliness, efficiency, and user control. PHP allows a user to describe specific functions within the code in order to drastically control the way a web browser displays and organizes information. A user is

    • Constructors in Derived Classes

      A constructor plays a vital role in initializing an object. An important note, while using constructors during inheritance, is that, as long as a base class constructor does not take any arguments, the derived class need not have a constructor function. However, if a base class contains a constructor with one or more arguments, then

    • Java Loops – For, While, and Do

      Java Loops – For, While, and Do

      Java supports three types of loops: For, While, and Do. The Java For Loop The Java for loop is a looping construct which continually executes a block of statements over range of values. Java for Loop Syntax The syntax of a for loop in Java is: for (initialization; termination; increment) { statement } Example Java

    • Display Messages using Flashdata in CodeIgniter

      Flashdata is a functionality in the CodeIgniter framework that lets you make required data available for the next server request. It makes use of session, but unlike normal session behavior, the passed data is available only for the next server request and is automatically cleared thereafter. Therefore, Flashdata can be very useful in displaying notifications

    • Uninstall Java

      Uninstall Java

      Computer users sometimes need to uninstall Java, for various reasons. In case of upgrading Java, you needn’t remove the previous version of Java. Instead, you can simply run the executable of the newer Java version and the upgrade will automatically happen. However if you wish to uninstall Java, below are the methods for different platforms.

    • Breadth First Search Algorithm

      Breadth First Search Algorithm

      A breadth first search traversal method, visits all the successors of a visited node before visiting any successor of any of its child nodes. This is a contradiction to depth first traversal method; which visits the successor of a visited node before visiting any of its brothers, i.e., children of the same parent. A depth

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