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    • VB.NET Tutorials

      VB.NET Tutorials

      VB.NET Tutorials This tutorial sections assumes that you are already familiar with VB.NET. This tutorial is based on HTTPModule for Digest Authentication in VB.Net. The coolest thing about using an HttpModule for either DIGEST or BASIC Authentication against one’s own Data Store is that as long as the HttpModule is configured at all the destination

    • How to Download Fonts

      How to Download Fonts

      Fonts are used to style text on all digital devices. Every font gives a distinct design and typography to a body of text. They are used on computers, mobile devices, embedded devices and print materials. There are thousands of fonts available on the Internet, few paid and many free. These are available in different formats

    • Excel Tutorials

      Excel Tutorials

      Working With Text & Numbers Tutorial A tutorial that shows how to use excel & covers all basics in just a few easy steps Steps: To begin open Microsoft Excel. Then, if necessary, click on the in the upper right corner of the task pane to close the task pane. The screen shown here will

    • SolidWorks Tutorials

      SolidWorks Tutorials

      Solidworks refers to a powerful 3D modeling program used in Computer Aided Design (CAD). The models produced from it are used in a number of ways to simulate the behavior of the real part or assembly as well as checking basic geometry. It is also used for advanced part assembly, physical dynamic calculation, surfacing, enhancing

    • Typing Tutorials

      Typing Tutorials

      Typing is a must-have skill that we should all develop. It is an essential skill in most businesses today, especially if you are looking for a white collar job.  Whether you are a student, a casual computer user whose need to type starts and ends with keying out a few emails and chat messages, or

    • Paint Shop Pro Tutorials

      Optimize Web Images With Paint Shop Pro Tutorial on optimizing graphics to load quickly andlook good when displayed over the web. Interface Designing Tutorials Tutorials that show how to design an interface in Paint Shop Pro element by element. Aqua Button Tutorial A tutorial that shows how to create a pill-like aqua button in Paint

    • Corel Draw Tutorials

      Corel Draw Tutorials

      Corel Draw Tutorials This section contains various Corel Draw topics and tutorials. Here you will learn how to create animated GIFs, Yahoo Style buttons, create cracked text, gel text, complex shapes, port a Masked (Cropped) Bitmap, and animate an egyptian eye using Corel Draw. Animated GIFs Tutorial This contains how to topics on how to create

    • SQL Tutorials

      SQL Tutorials

      SQL Tutorials Our SQL Tutorials section will guide you on how to use SQL to access database systems. SQL is an acronym for Structured Query Language, which is a language used to access or manipulate a database or database systems. Introduction to SQL This is a an introductory guide to SQL. This will tell you

    • Gimp Tutorials

      Gimp Tutorials

      Gimp Tutorials We have compiled a few Gimp tutorials that might come in handy for your personal or work related needs. From photo resizing,photo editing, adding a user bar, creating abstract signs and so on. We will continually update this post when there’s new tutorial that comes up. By the way, Gimp is the a

    • Microsoft Access Tutorials

      Microsoft Access Tutorials

      Microsoft Access Tutorials Learn the importance and usage of a Microsoft Access database, and learn how to get data or information into & out of one. MS Access Queries Tutorial In Microsoft Access you can use queries to get information from one table or more or from other queries. All the information that you retrieve is

    181 queries in 0.700 seconds.