Photo by Dustin Diaz
Social media attention, for any reason, can be achieved easily with a little insight and finesse. The key is to be smart rather than aiming for outrageous or potentially offensive. Implement a personal strategy using the following methods to get someone’s attention on Twitter.
1. Have An Interesting Bio
Everything on Twitter has a unified sense of brevity. This includes the short biography that introduces visitors to the person behind the profile. Skipping this detail can be a major deal breaker that actually repels an otherwise interested passerby, especially on a locked profile. Save the deep quotes and clever jokes for another platform. Make the most of a short 160-characters by using strategic keywords, being friendly, and considering the person you want attention from. It is acceptable to share a link to your blog or personal site if it is regularly maintained. Don’t forget to add a decent picture and header image to tie everything together.
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