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  • 10 Ways Facebook Can Get You Into Trouble

    Ways to mull over to stop trademark infringementPhoto by moellerip

    8. Copyright Infringement

    There’s a lot of free sharing on Facebook, and some people can get into trouble by sharing something that they didn’t realize was protected. They might also irk someone by posting a video of themselves singing a cover of a song without paying royalties for the privilege or posting fan fiction or art. Usually these types of creative efforts won’t cause a big stir as long as the user isn’t profiting from them, but sometimes there are intellectual property scuffles, and these can be a legal headache and a monetary drain, not to mention an embarrassment.

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    1. Yip

      17 June, 2015 at 4:44 pm

      It would not too wrong to say that the Internet has destroyed young lives. I have a number of relatives who did poorly in their studies, because they are so focused on Youtube, Facebook, They can hardly concentrate 15 -20 minutes on a Maths book and they flit to the Internet-movies, Youtube, celebrity gossip. If parents don’t control and guide from young, they are gone, lives wasted.

    2. leirs

      5 May, 2015 at 4:03 pm

      In this new society that we’ve all agreed to be a part of, your Facebook
      page is an extension of yourself. For this reason, it’s not a good idea
      to post anything there that you wouldn’t normally say it will really get you into trouble.

    3. Azuraz Dandaridae

      22 July, 2014 at 4:57 pm

      Quote from # 4:

      “Another source of mental anguish is the steady parade of news stories
      describing tragic events both locally and globally. Such extended
      exposure to unpleasant occurrences can have a detrimental effect on the
      well-being of the average Facebook user.”

      So they are saying that the news from any news source, including CNN, is not good to listen to. Most of what I see on CNN online is bad news.

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