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  • Storage – Magnetic

    • How Data is Stored in a Hard Disk

      How Data is Stored in a Hard Disk

      A key concept in data storage is that it is linear, logical, and systematic in nature. When someone ‘saves’ data to the hard disk, the disk will follow a logical system. A hard disk can be compared to a large, square piece of graphing paper composed of squares, a thousand long and a thousand wide.

    • How to Recover Hard Drive Data

      How to Recover Hard Drive Data

      Hard drive data recovery is the process of recovering lost data from a hard drive when the data cannot be readily accessed through normal retrieval methods. Whether the hard drive has locked up or has completely crashed, there is a good chance the data can be recovered with a variety of hard drive data recovering

    • How to Format a Hard Drive

      How to Format a Hard Drive

      Formatting a hard drive often becomes necessary when Trojans or viruses that are difficult to remove infect it or when there are bad sectors on it. A hard drive should be divided into small partitions to utilize the space effectively. A hard drive can also be formatted in order to reorganize the space available. Remember,

    • Hard Drive

      Hard Drive

      A hard drive, also known hard disk or hard disk drive, is a non-volatile data storage device. Technically, hard drives and hard disks are not the same since hard drives consist of multiple hard platters, the hard disk reader and writer head, the hard drive motor, and the drive electronics. On the other hand, a

    • How to Mount an ISO

      How to Mount an ISO

      An ISO file is an image that contains all the data files and file system metadata (i.e. boot code, structures, and attributes) of a CD/DVD. In order to mount an ISO image, a disk image emulator that will allow the content of a CD/DVD to be read from an ISO image via a virtual drive

    • Maxtor Jumper Settings

      Maxtor Jumper Settings

      An Integrated Drive Electronics (IDE) drive is a device that meets the Parallel AT Attachment, ATA or AT Attachment Packet Interface, and ATAPI standards. IDE drives include hard drives, floppy drives, and CD/DVD players. IDE drives have a specific type of cable that allows multiple streams of data to be shared between the device and

    • How to Repair a Broken Hard Disk

      How to Repair a Broken Hard Disk

      Broken hard disks can be both a nuisance and a major loss to business and personal affairs whenever files are lost or inaccessible. Fortunately, there are several things users can do to repair a broken hard disk before throwing it out in order to restore lost or inaccessible files.   Let the Hard Disk Cool

    • Blu-Ray


      Blu-ray is an optical storage format developed by Sony and Phillips. It was created to store large amounts of high definition video and sound. Blu-ray’s name came from the type of laser it uses to read and write data. The laser is a hue of blue-violet. A blue-violet laser has a shorter wavelength than the

    • How to Repair a Bad Sector

      How to Repair a Bad Sector

      Occasionally, one or more sectors on an otherwise good hard drive will go bad. When this happens, the data in those sectors may be lost, but the data on the rest of the disk will be unaffected and the disk is still completely usable. Those bad sectors cannot be repaired, but they can be marked

    • What Are IDE Hard Drives?

      What Are IDE Hard Drives?

      Integrated Drive Electronics or (IDE) are a type of hard drive controller which bundles the components of the hard drive and its controller into one interface. This allows for much simpler installation of the hard drive into the system by removing the difficulties associated with the separation of the components and controllers such as the predecessor

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