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  • How to Reference the Tech-FAQ

    Academic conventions and copyright law require that you acknowledge the author/source when you use any ideas from external resources. Here, it means stating the article and its author of Tech-FAQ you wish to reference, cite or quote in your academic writing.

    Tech-FAQ openly allows you to reference any of the article from this website in your academic writing, without the need of any prior permission or request to the author.

    There are multiple referencing styles. The most commonly used is the APA style, which is explained below.

    APA (American Psychological Association) Style

    APA is the most common referencing style used these days in academic projects and writing. It mandates that you follow the style defined below.

    1. Passing reference to an article in text

    If you just want to reference an article in your academic writing, the web address or URL is enough. You need not create a new entry in the ‘References” section.

    Example: ERP is an amalgamation of various business processes (https://www.tech-faq.com/erp.html).

    2. Reference a piece of information from an article

    If you wish to cite a piece of text from an article, you need to include both – an in-text citation and a new entry in the ‘References’ section. The general syntax to create a reference entry is:

    Syntax: Author’s Last Name, Author’s Initials or First Name (Date of Publication), Title of the Article, Retrieved from URL.

    Example: Spencer, Will (2013), ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), Retrieved from https://www.tech-faq.com/erp.html

    Whereas, the in-text citation will only include (Author’s Last Name, Date).

    Example: ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is principally an integration of business management practices and modern technology (Spencer, 2013).

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