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    • 17 Ways to Improve Your Android’s Performance

      17 Ways to Improve Your Android’s Performance

      Between 2009 and 2015, the popularity of the Android Operating System (OS) for use on mobile devices has grown from just over a 2.8% market share to being the most installed OS in the world. Although the popular alternative to iOS is more lightweight and faster than a desktop OS; over time, users of Android

    • Dangerous Android Applications

      Dangerous Android Applications

      Android applications sometimes contain malware which causes unexpected and sometimes dangerous effects on your Android device. Out-of-App Advertising Many Android apps are funded by advertising. This advertising usually only shows while you are running the application, however some apps continue to display advertising when you are not consciously running the applications. These apps push advertising

    • How to Reset a Droid X

      How to Reset a Droid X

      A Droid X is a Motorola smartphone that Verizon Wireless distributes throughout the Unites States, Mexico, and other overseas locations. The Droid X runs the Android operating system and has been distributed since July 2010. On May 19th, 2011, Motorola released the Droid X2, an upgraded version of the Droid X that uses the NVidia

    • How to Develop Android Apps

      How to Develop Android Apps

      An Android is a smartphone that Google created that combines the functionality of a cell phone and a computer. While the Android does not include many features that a real computer does, it allows the user to take advantage of a wide variety of applications that can be used to perform diverse tasks that the

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