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  • Kindle

    • How to Convert PDF to AZW

      How to Convert PDF to AZW

      The Kindle is a portable electronic device from Amazon which allows users to read and access e-books when away from a computer. Kindles provide readers with a means of storing and reading thousands of books anywhere they go by organizing them as AZW files that can be displayed on the Kindle screen and accessed via

    • How to Reset a Kindle

      How to Reset a Kindle

      The Kindle, which Amazon produced, is an e-reader/tablet PC that allows users to access the Internet, check their email, and use a variety of applications. The Kindle is also designed to allow users to read e-books in full screen, toggle mode, and even split screen. The Kindle is dependent on touch screen technology and allows

    • How to Update a Kindle

      How to Update a Kindle

      A Kindle is a portable electronic device that Amazon provides, which is used to store, organize, and access e-books when the reader is away from a computer. Kindles allow readers to store thousands of books at a time, modify font styles and sizes, and access the Internet. Kindles also provide additional features that allow the

    • How to Replace a Kindle Battery

      How to Replace a Kindle Battery

      Though most Kindle batteries last for several years, it is still possible that a Kindle may still need a battery change. Check the battery life meter on the Kindle before ordering a new battery and be sure not to mistake the signal strength meter for the battery life meter. Many users find the meters easily

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