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    • Vibration Measurement

      Vibration Measurement

      Vibration measurements are made in order to identify when preventive or corrective repairs are required on machinery. These repairs are made in order to reduce or eliminate the noise that damaged equipment make. This prevents catastrophic failure of the equipment. Vibration measurements are frequently made on process control equipment and rotating machinery such as the

    • How Do Ocean Currents Affect Climate?

      How Do Ocean Currents Affect Climate?

      Ocean currents are one of the main factors that affect climate. Other factors are proximity from the equator, distance from the sea, direction of prevailing winds and relief (mountains). But, for the most part, ocean currents act as one of the most important factors that influence the climate. And the reason why is because a

    • What is Mossbauer Spectroscopy?

      What is Mossbauer Spectroscopy?

      Mossbauer Spectroscopy is a multipurpose technique that is applied in various scientific fields including Physics, Biology, and Metallurgy. It is most useful in deriving accurate data about the chemical, structural, and magnetic properties of a material. This technique exists today due to the discovery of the resonant absorption and recoil-less emission of nuclear y-rays, now

    • Vibration Isolators

      Vibration Isolators

      There are a number of vibration sources throughout the world. In most cases, these movements have undesirable effects on things used in daily life, such as buildings and vehicles. Vibration isolators reduce or eliminate the effects of vibrations on equipment and structures. These devices are commonly referred to as shock mounts, snubbers, machine mounts, and

    • Types of Nuclear Fuel

      Types of Nuclear Fuel

      The different nuclear processes will use different types of fuel. In general terms: Fission reactions will use fissile heavy elements Fusion will use fusible light elements The convection point is iron. Elements heavier that iron will have higher mass than its parts and yield energy when they break apart. Lighter elements that iron will have

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