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    • 5 Online Schools That Make Learning Programming Superfun

      5 Online Schools That Make Learning Programming Superfun

      Photo by HackNY With Codecademy launching the Code Year project, and the subsequent launch of Code.org non-profit, there has been a growing movement of people saying that everybody should learn how to program, and even that programming should be included in the new definition of literacy for the 21st century. Considering how much we depend

    • These 7 Fitness Gadgets Will Help You Stay Motivated

      These 7 Fitness Gadgets Will Help You Stay Motivated

      Getting into shape is one of the most difficult goals to achieve since it seems as though there are an endless amount of roadblocks that stand in the way of achieving fitness goals. There is work, kids, parties and the temptation to eat an unhealthy meal at seemingly every street corner in existence. The key

    • 10 Tiny Gadgets that Pack a Huge Punch

      10 Tiny Gadgets that Pack a Huge Punch

      Wise men sometimes say that “less is more”, and looking at technological developments it would appear that one of the main goals is exactly that; to enable a lot more with a lot less. There’s one obvious example of a small gadget that packs a huge punch. It is your smartphone. It’s as powerful a

    • The Value of IT Certifications

      The Value of IT Certifications

      With unemployment currently worse than at any time since the Carter recession more than thirty years ago, many individuals are looking at IT certifications to help them get hired, earn raises, or even just keep their current positions. But does that strategy pay off? We’ll take an in-depth look. The Benefits of IT Certifications IT

    • 11 Google Chrome Features You Might Not Be Aware Of

      11 Google Chrome Features You Might Not Be Aware Of

      Google Chrome is currently the most popular web browser in the world. It has a simple and intuitive user interface that made it stand out, and it works pretty well out of the box. Most people probably don’t delve into its settings or explore its features beyond superficial day to day use, but it’s actually

    • In Defense of Technology Lock-In

      In Defense of Technology Lock-In

      I’m going to do the unthinkable. I am going to actually defend the practice that many consider “anti-competitive”, the practice of so called “vendor lock-in” often employed by technology companies such as Apple and Microsoft. In a nutshell the practice of lock-in involves building pieces of technology that work only in certain predefined circumstances and

    • 10 Ways Facebook Subtly Changes Your Behavior

      10 Ways Facebook Subtly Changes Your Behavior

      Facebook continues to be the most popular social network, and has basically become as ubiquitous as telephones and televisions once were, almost as if a basic utility. Some actually find it strange when they find someone who isn’t on Facebook. But all that’s pretty obvious. What might not be as immediately obvious is just how

    • Why Everyone Should Use a VPN

      Why Everyone Should Use a VPN

      VPN, or a Virtual Private Network, connects computers and other devices using an encrypted connection. This means that all data travelling through such a network is unreadable to anyone who might intercept the data stream, making it as private as it would be if all of the connected devices resided within the walls of a

    • 7 Green Gadgets That Will Save You Money

      7 Green Gadgets That Will Save You Money

      Do you ever wish you could find even more, easy ways to go green and still save money? Thanks to modern technology, you can. We scouted around for some of the best new contraptions out there and found lots of nifty gadgets that will help both the planet and your wallet. Here’s a listing of

    • 5 Signs You Don’t Need a PC Anymore

      5 Signs You Don’t Need a PC Anymore

      Photo by kitschweb PCs are generally powerful, fast, and pretty comfortable to use, but they can also be expensive and burdensome to maintain compared to their nimbler mobile counterparts. This isn’t a yet another “PCs are dead” post. We recognize that there is a sizeable chunk of working populace who still need them for one

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