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    • Space Colonization and Free Market Essential to Sustainable Growth

      Space Colonization and Free Market Essential to Sustainable Growth

      Here’s a yet another seemingly far fetched piece by yours truly, talking about such things as choosing between the potential destruction of all humanity and evolving endlessly into a god like race. Intrigued? I’m obviously not the only one to think in such dramatic and marginal terms. In addition to the hordes of nerds entertaining

    • 10 Coolest Gadgets Your Cat Will Love

      10 Coolest Gadgets Your Cat Will Love

      These gadgets aren’t for you human, they’re for your cat. Of course, since your cat can’t read you’re gonna have to do this. If you make your cat happy you’re likely gonna be happier too, so better pay attention now! We’ve picked out 10 cool gadgets we think your cat will love. 1. Pet Feeder

    • 8 Weird Gadgets That Will Make You Look Smarter

      8 Weird Gadgets That Will Make You Look Smarter

      So, you want to look smarter, huh? Today’s world offers many gadgets that help make us look more intelligent. Surprisingly, most gadgets designed to make us look smarter or enhance our lives are not that complicated. In fact, when you look at some of them, you think, “why didn’t I think of that?” They are

    • Imagine a world without language

      Imagine a world without language

      Language is something we take for granted, but when I start thinking about it it's a challenge just getting to define it, not to mention the very definition of language depends on language and the intricate relationship it has with our thinking and perception of reality. Language is actually a very dangerous tool. It is

    • Technologies That Can Help Protect Your Privacy

      Technologies That Can Help Protect Your Privacy

      In a previous article on privacy we’ve established what it is, how does digitally networking our world affect it, and in a nutshell, why should we care. We established that the best way to ensure your privacy is through technological means, and in this article I offer an overview of what such technologies are. What

    • Top 5 Web Sites That Will Melt Your Stress Away

      Top 5 Web Sites That Will Melt Your Stress Away

      Stress is a normal part of life, and we all experience it. We feel it when we’re under load, whether it is from work or relationships or various other life situations. We’re kind of like computers in that regard. Run too many programs at the same time and the computer will start to struggle, because

    • Escaping The Walled Gardens In The Clouds

      Escaping The Walled Gardens In The Clouds

      After going through a bunch of OS X Mountain Lion reviews I have to say I can’t wait to get it onto my Mac. For the most part the devil’s in the details; all the little things that accrue to form what I expect to be a better user experience. Besides all of the little

    • 10 Incredible Statistics About The Internet

      10 Incredible Statistics About The Internet

      The internet is an incredibly vibrant place always buzzing with incomprehensible amounts of activity. Its effect on humanity is probably proving to be greater than any previous technology because it connects us with everything and everyone in unprecedented ways. You’re probably well aware of just how much are you exposed to the internet, and how

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