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  • Network Layer

    • What is a Zeroconf?

      What is a Zeroconf?

      Zeroconf (zero configuration networking) refers to several protocols and techniques that are used together to create an IP (Internet Protocol) network with no special configuration servers or manual operator intervention. These networks allow novices to connect computers, network devices, scanners, and printers to create a functioning network without requiring manual configuration. Zeroconf does not require

    • How to Change an IP Address

      How to Change an IP Address

      The IP address is a logical address assigned to a network card in order to establish communication over the network and identify the computer over it. Network administrators usually assign IP addresses based on certain rules and regulations. Reasons to Change an IP Address Even if someone is part of a small network routed through

    • How Unix and Windows traceroutes differ

      How Unix and Windows traceroutes differ

      The Unix/Linux `traceroute` command and the Microsoft Windows `tracert` commands both accomplish the task of tracing network paths, but they do it in slightly different ways. Both of these tools for tracing network routes send out a packet wth TTL (Time To Live) set to 1 and report it’s destnation. Then, they send out a

    • – What Are its Uses and Why is it Important? – What Are its Uses and Why is it Important? is a private IP address that is commonly used by Netgear and D-Link routers. The Netgear and D-Link brands are competitors to the Linksys division of Cisco, Incorporated and make a large number of the Internet routers used world-wide. The network address is not granted to the Netgear and D-Link companies exclusively; however, as

    • IP Address Classes

      IP Address Classes

      IP Address classes were the original organizational structure for IP addresses. The specific address class would determine the maximum potential size for a computer network. The address class would define which of the specific bits of the address would be used to identify the network and network identification, the bits to identify the host computer

    • Broadcast Address

      Broadcast Address

      A broadcast address is an IP address that targets all systems on a specific subnet instead of single hosts. The broadcast address of any IP address can be calculated by taking the bit compliment of the subnet mask, sometimes referred to as the reverse mask, and then applying it with a bitwise OR calculation to

    • QoS (Quality of Service)

      QoS (Quality of Service)

      QoS stands for Quality of Service. QoS is a generic name for a set of algorithms which attempt to provide different levels of quality to different types of network traffic. Queuing One method of implementing QoS is to utilize some sort of advanced queuing algorithm. Simple networks process traffic with a FIFO (First In –

    • IP Address

      IP Address

      An IP (Internet Protocol) address is a unique address that different computers on a computer network use to identify and communicate with one another. An IP address is used as an identifier to find electronic devices connected to one another on a network. Therefore, each device in the network must have its own unique address.

    • How to Set a Static IP

      How to Set a Static IP

      An IP (Internet Protocol) address is a unique identifier for any device that connects to the Internet. All computers, modems, routers, mobile devices, and even accessory items such as printers, scanners, and fax machines have an IP address. IP addresses are extremely common in the web design industry because every website must be associated with

    • DHCP Scope

      DHCP Scope

      A DHCP scope is a valid range of IP addresses that are available for assignment or lease to client computers on a particular subnet. In a DHCP server, a scope is configured to determine the address pool of IPs that the server can provide to DHCP clients. Scopes determine which IP addresses are provided to

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