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  • 10 Reasons Why World of Warcraft is Not An Addiction

    World of Warcraft Horde cupcakesPhoto by Rachel from Cupcakes Take the Cake

    2. World of Warcraft doesn’t have anything hidden within the game to be considered addicting

    Blizzard, the creator of World of Warcraft, does not have a secret protocol within the game that causes people to become addicted. The game itself has never truly been addicting. There have been people that have become addicted to the game, but that doesn’t make the game addicting. Just like anything in life, some people may feel the pull to World of Warcraft which makes it appear to be addicting.

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    One comment
    1. Bobbity

      30 November, 2014 at 7:41 am

      This is a laughably terrible and redundant article, written by someone with no grasp of logic or grammar.

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