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    • Seebeck Effect

      Seebeck Effect

      The Seebeck Effect was first discovered in 1821. It describes the thermoelectric phenomenon that results when the temperature differences between dissimilar metals in a circuit are converted into electric current. This is one of three similar processes that relate to conductivity, temperature, and thermoelectricity that was discovered in the 1800s. The Thomson Effect was first

    • Difference Between SD & SDHC Memory Cards

      Difference Between SD & SDHC Memory Cards

      The Secure Digital (SD) memory card format was developed for portable devices across a wide range of product categories and is the unofficial industry standard for memory card format. SDHC is the high capacity variant of the memory card format. It has a slightly different communication protocol from the SD type and does not necessarily

    • How to Flip a Computer Screen Upside Down

      How to Flip a Computer Screen Upside Down

      Windows Hot Keys allow computer users to conduct specific Windows operating system (OS) functions without having to navigate to application menus, which saves time. A common task that can be accomplished through Window Hot Keys is flipping a computer screen upside down. The resulting display can also be reversed with a similar method or by

    • What is an ETOM?

      What is an ETOM?

      ETOM (Enhanced Telecom Operations Map) is the most widely used set of standards for the world communications market. The standard focuses on the latest TELECOM technologies such as Internet telephony, broadband, and DSL. It is regularly updated to keep up with Internet standards/specifications and hardware updates. What is ETOM? ETOM was created to give telecom

    • What is Microfarad?

      What is Microfarad?

      The term microfarad is used to describe a unit of capacitance that is 0.000001 farad. The symbol that represents a microfarad is µF. It is commonly used in utility alternating-current and audio frequency circuits. The capacitors that are found in them normally have a rating of 1 µF or more. However, even smaller capacitors are

    • How to Remove a Browser Hijacker

      How to Remove a Browser Hijacker

      Browser hijackers are malicious programs that redirect computer users to websites that the hacker wants and deploy the computer malware. The hijacker may change a computer’s default homepage or redirect computer users trying to visit legitimate websites such as their bank or Google to a maliciously crafted copy of the site to deploy computer malware

    • What is NSFNET?

      What is NSFNET?

      The National Science Foundation Network (NSFNET) was a set of high-speed networks that the National Science Foundation networked together and funded from 1986 to 1995. The network was a backbone that consisted of 21 nodes that were connected via a 45 Mbps connection across the continental United States. A number of mid-level campus and local

    • Ethernet Splitter

      Ethernet Splitter

      An Ethernet splitter can split a single Internet connection so that two or more computers can connect to the Internet simultaneously. It can also create additional connections for other computers on a network, which can reduce the overall amount of cabling required to setup a network. Unfortunately, Ethernet splitters cannot resolve the network collision issues

    • Dielectric Constant

      Dielectric Constant

      A dielectric constant measures the extent that a material concentrates electrostatic flux and is also known as the relative static permittivity, static dielectric constant, and relative dielectric constant. It is essential when determining if a substance can be used in a capacitor or various chemistry and physics applications. A material’s dielectric constant value must be

    • How to Backup Windows XP Drivers

      How to Backup Windows XP Drivers

      The term driver refers to files that permit hardware and software programs to interface with the Windows Operating System (OS). All hardware components require a driver file in order to work properly with the Windows XP OS unless they are compatible with one of the generic driver files included with the OS. These files are

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