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    • Why Do I Keep Getting Redirected from Google?

      Why Do I Keep Getting Redirected from Google?

      Google or any other search engine may become abnormal when a researcher attempts to search or click on a query and redirect him/her from the page that he/she intended to visit. This is known as a redirect and a wide variety of malware can cause it. It is important to understand what may be causing

    • How to Erase Browser History

      How to Erase Browser History

      Erasing browser history clears the record of what web sites the user visited over a period of time. This can help to protect privacy by preventing others from monitoring what web sites the user has been visiting. Erasing Internet Explorer’s Browser History By default, Internet Explorer keeps browser history for 20 days. To erase browser

    • How to Uninstall CyberDefender

      How to Uninstall CyberDefender

      CyberDefender is an example of malicious software that poses as an anti-virus software. CyberDefender runs a fake computer scan, then lists a number of “threats” that are really non-existent files, random files, or files that are essential to the computer’s performance. When the user attempts to remove these threats, CyberDefender asks the user to purchase

    • Computer Worms

      Computer Worms

      Computer worms are programs that reproduce, execute independently, and travel across network connections. The key difference between a virus and worm is the manner in which each reproduces and spreads. A virus is dependent upon the host file or boot sector and the transfer of files between computers to spread, whereas a computer worm can

    • Digital Certificates

      Digital Certificates

      Digital certificates are the equivalent of a driver’s license, a marriage license, or any other form of identity. The only difference is that a digital certificate is used in conjunction with a public key encryption system. Digital certificates are electronic files that simply work as an online passport. Digital certificates are issued by a third

    • How to Uninstall Yahoo! Search Companion

      How to Uninstall Yahoo! Search Companion

      If you installed Yahoo! Search Companion on your machine, this Internet browser add-on can allow you to conveniently access your bookmarked sites since it organizes the web pages. The Yahoo! Search Companion can also enhance your Internet browser by enabling it to provide you with a means to be capable of creating custom buttons. Apart

    • How to Remove the “My Web Search” Toolbar

      How to Remove the “My Web Search” Toolbar

      My Web Search is a malware toolbar distributed by Mindspark Interactive Network via their extensive network of spam sites, most of which are targeted towards young people.  This rapidly expanding list of sites includes Zwinky, Zwinky Cuties, GirlSense, Webfetti, Kazula, iWon, SmileyCentral, MyFunCards, CursorMania, and CardBoiled. These sites trick people, mainly children, into installing the

    • How to Change an AOL Password

      How to Change an AOL Password

      There are two circumstances that can cause someone to want to change his/her AOL password: 1) forgetting the AOL password and needing to recover it and 2)  to change the AOL password. The latter can be because the AOL password has leaked to someone or the user wants to adhere to the good practice of

    • How can I Change my tmnet Password?

      How can I Change my tmnet Password?

      TMNet is the primary broadband provider servicing the country of Malaysia. Depending on the consumer’s location in the country, the available download and upload speeds of the service will vary. The majority of industry, government, academic, and consumer usage in the country uses the TM Net Streamyx service in order to access the Internet, stream

    • How Do Keygens Work?

      How Do Keygens Work?

      Anyone who plays video games knows that they are not cheap. To get around paying for them, many users take advantage of keygen software that is widely available for free on the Internet market and allows users to trick the game into thinking that they have the correct registration key. This type of theft does

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