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    • DisplayPort


      DisplayPort is the new digital display interface standard. It has been recently approved (5/2006) by VESA and will be hitting the markets in 2008. For most computer users, the fairly big and bulky VGA port is familiar. While the VGA port has been extremely reliable and has delivered competent performance, the new standard – the

    • LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)

      LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)

      An LCD or Liquid Crystal Display is a flat, thin display device consisting of any number of pixels aligned in front of a reflector or source of light. The LCD has been widely hailed as a prized invention as it is relatively cheap and it consumes less power to function than competing techologies, making it

    • Computer Privacy Screen

      Computer Privacy Screen

      Computer privacy screens, sometimes called computer privacy filters offers added security by making any image on the screen visible only to the computer user sitting directly in front of the image. Other angles that are not in direct view of the screen are distorted or blacked out completely. Types of Computer Privacy Screens There are

    • How to Convert DVI-D to VGA

      How to Convert DVI-D to VGA

      VGA (Video Graphics Array) is a hardware specification for display monitors and computers that allows a computer to display applications on a VGA-based monitor via a VGA cable. VGA technology is one of the oldest forms of display hardware in computing and is outfitted in virtually every computer system in the world. VGA uses analog

    • Screen Spanning

      Screen Spanning

      Screen spanning is a computer system obtaining dual monitors while working correctly. In other words, to have more than one monitor for a single computer. Instead of running several applications on one monitor, multiple monitors can be used for several, individual purposes ( i.e, having one monitor display communication devices while the other monitor display

    • QVGA (Quarter Video Graphics Array)

      QVGA (Quarter Video Graphics Array)

      QVGA (Quarter Video Graphics Array or Quarter VGA) is a type of resolution whose dimensions are 320×240 pixels. The QVGA display is normally found in devices such as mobile phones and PDAs. The display is also common on other hand-held devices such as game consoles. Resolution Most of the time, the display is in the

    • DVI (Digital Visual Interface)

      DVI (Digital Visual Interface)

      DVI (Digital Visual Interface) is a video connector designed by the Digital Display Working Group (DDWG), aimed at maximizing the picture quality of digital display devices such as digital projectors and LCD screens. It is crafted for transporting uncompressed digital video information to a display screen. It is partly compatible with the High-Definition Multimedia Interface

    • How LED Lights Work

      How LED Lights Work

      LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) are now found on almost every electronic device including MP3 players, DVD players, TVs, clock radios, and computers. LEDs have been popular for decades. However, today they are cheaper, brighter and come in more colors than ever before. While the incandescent light bulb has been the light of choice for at

    • VGA Cable

      VGA Cable

      VGA (Video Graphics Array) cables connect computers with monitors or television sets. The cables are based on the graphics standard that IBM developed on personal computers sold during the 1980s. Since that time, almost all personal computers that are built to support the Windows operating system (OS) incorporate support for VGA connections and the more

    • Touch Screen Monitors

      Touch Screen Monitors

      A touch screen is basically a display screen which can identify the occurrence and position of a touch within its own area. This usually refers to a touch or tap to the display of the gadget by a finger or hand. Touch screens can also identify added inactive objects, such as a stylus. Touch screens work

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