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  • 10 Tiny Gadgets that Pack a Huge Punch

    6. NFC Ring

    One ring to rule them all! Ok not quite, but it’s one ring to Near Field Communicate with them all who are also NFC enabled! In other words you can unlock your mobile phone by just picking it up, or unlock doors by waving your finger in front of the lock, or an NFC scanner, and share small pieces of information with other smartphone owners by swiping your ring finger against the back of their phone.

    Makers of the NFC Ring, which were successfully funded at Kickstarter, promise many other creative applications in the future, but for now the ring is still in pre-order stages. It’s a very interesting idea, one that appears to be in the process of being realized soon, and it’s just an unassuming ring, that doesn’t need to be charged, and only has barely visible two NFC antennas on either side of it (one for private, and the other for public information).

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    1. Slarti Bartfast

      1 September, 2014 at 9:31 am

      In the Bullet “you get something like a 1000 megawatts of broadcast power” – yeah right,as long as you have a nuclear power station in your bedroom.

    2. Linda Savage

      6 June, 2014 at 1:51 am

      To get this to work with a Macintosh desktop would I just need chrome for mac ??

    3. Linda Savage

      6 June, 2014 at 1:49 am

      would this work with a macintosh desktop computer ??

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