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  • 5 Gadgets For Parents That Will Help You Stay Focused On The Workplace


    3. Child Locators

    Once you’ve tackled your lactation solution you can move on to the critical topic of location. Child locators equal peace of mind because the HD video hookup sees all, knows all and reports back to you when the kids leave the confines of your monitored house. Approach the challenge of choosing a child locator as you would any major business decision: Turn to expert resources like PC magazine, Consumer Reports and media devoted to evaluating technology for their picks. Consider the Filip Wearable Smart Locator and Phone for kids at a cost of around $200 for the unit plus the $10 monthly fee associated with its AT&T service plan. The Filip interfaces with iPhones and Android and the system allows you to program safety zones that trigger alarms if your kid wanders off. The Garmin GTU-10 tracker, the Loc8u Freedom and Mommy, I’m Here are similar products earning the confidence of working parents. The latest wave of child locators are cleverly disguised as watches, clothing pins and shoelace clasps. Thanks to competition, prices are dropping. And no worries if Tiffany decides to remove her wristwatch tracker on a whim; if she does, the alarm she trips might make her wish she hadn’t tried to unplug once you get home from the office.

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