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  • 7 Fun Yet Productive Ways to Kill Boredom on The Internet

    Youtube Playlist

    5. Make a YouTube playlist

    You might already be killing time on YouTube, but you might also be doing it kind of aimlessly. If you decide to make a YouTube playlist you’ll have to think about what it will contain, and what to pick for it. And all of a sudden you’re not just watching fun stuff that pops up randomly in Related Videos. Instead, you’re on a mission.

    Come up with a topic, be it a favorite music subgenre, cooking guides, funny videos, inspirational videos, movie trailers, favorite comedian, or whatever else, and as you browse and watch add the best of the best you find to your playlist, and then edit it later. Youtube makes this so incredibly easy that you can create a playlist right below any video you’re watching right now, and add that video to the list.

    If you make your list public chances are someone else will later find it useful, and you can also share your list on Facebook and Twitter.

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