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  • 5 Online Schools That Make Learning Programming Superfun


    1. Code.org

    Endorsed by the likes of Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg Code.org’s learning process starts with the “Hour of Code”, which is suited to be your first hour of programming. Most of the Hour of Code courses are set up as games that would appeal to youngsters, but an adult that has never programmed before can have quite a bit of educational fun with them as well. It’s not much different than playing some casual games, except you learn to think in code while playing.

    Some of the courses you can find on Code.org are hosted by them, and others are provided by other sites such as Khan Academy. Once you’re done with the Hour of Code you can move on “Beyond One Hour” for a little more challenging games or lessons.

    Code.org is a non-profit dedicated to promoting programming education for young people, and in general, and they’re trying to get educational institutions to implement programming courses as well.

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