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  • SMS Shortcuts

    SMS (Short Message Service) is a protocol for sending and receiving brief text messaging over digital cellular networks.

    Most people send SMS messages from the very small keypads on their mobile phones, and most people who receive SMS messages read them on the tiny screens of their mobile phones.

    Because of those considerations, and because SMS messages are limited to 160 characters, most people who use SMS learn to type messages using a number of popular SMS shortcuts.

    SMS Shortcuts

    These are some of the more common SMS shortcuts.

    2D To Delete
    2G4Y Too Good For You
    4E Forever
    4YEO For Your Eyes Only
    IOU1 I Owe You 1
    AAK Asleep At Keyboard
    AFAIK As Far As I Know
    AFK Away From Keyboard
    ASAP As Soon As Possible
    ATW At The Weekend
    AWHFY Are We Having Fun Yet?
    AYOR At Your Own Risk
    BB4E Bye Bye Forever
    BBB Bye Bye Baby
    BBFN Bye Bye For Now
    BBL Be Back Later
    BBN Bye Bye Now
    BBS Be Back Soon
    BF Boy-Friend
    BG Big Grin
    BH Blockhead
    BION Believe It Or Not
    BRB Be Right Back
    BTW By The Way
    BWL Bursting With Laughter
    CB Ciao Bella
    CM Call Me
    CMM Changed My Mind
    CU See You
    CUL See You Later
    CUSOON See You Soon
    CUT See You Tomorrow
    DAK Dead At Keyboard
    DK Don't Know
    DLTBBB Don't Let The Bed Bugs Bite
    DTRT Do The Right Thing
    DWBH Don't Worry Be Happy
    DYSWIS Do You See What I See
    E2EG Ear To Ear Grin
    EMSG Email Message
    EOD End of Discussion
    F2F Face To Face
    FUD Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt
    FWIW For What It's Worth
    FYA For Your Amusement
    FYE For Your Entertainment
    FYI For Your Information
    GA Go Ahead
    GAL Get A Life
    GF Girl-Friend
    GFN Gone For Now
    GIGO Garbage In, Garbage Out
    GMTA Great Minds Think Alike
    GTSY Glad To See You
    IAC In Any Case
    IC I see
    ILU I Love You
    IMHO In My Humble Opinion
    IMNSHO In My Not So Humble Opinion
    IMO In My Opinion
    IMPOV In My Point Of View
    IOW In Other Words
    IRL In Real Life
    IWALU I Will Always Love You
    J2LYK Just To Let You Know
    JK Just Kidding
    L8R Later
    LMHO Laughing My Head Off
    LOL Laugh Out Loud
    LTM Laughing To Myself
    LTNS Long Time No See
    LY Love You
    LYWAMH Love You With All My Heart
    MTF More To Follow
    MU Miss You
    NC No Comment
    NN Nothing New
    NP No Problem
    O4U Only For You
    OIC Oh, I See
    OL Old Lady (wife)
    OM Old Man (husband)
    OOSOOM Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind
    OTOH On The Other Hand
    OTTOMH Off The Top Of My Head
    PC Private Chat
    PM Private Message
    POAHF Put On A Happy Face
    QSL Reply
    QSO Conversation
    QT Cutie
    RL Real Life
    ROTFL Rolling On The Floor Laughing
    RTFM Read The Fine Manual
    RUOK Are you ok?
    SC Stay Cool
    SO Significant Other
    SWAK Sealed With a Kiss
    TA Thanks Again
    TAF That's All Folks
    TNT Till Next Time
    TOY Thinking Of You
    TTFN Ta Ta For Now
    TU Thank You
    TUVM Thank You Very Much
    VBG Very Big Grin
    W4U Waiting For You
    WB Welcome Back
    WTH What the hell?
    WUWH Wish You Were Here
    YAFIYGI You Ask For It; You Got It

    Create Your Own SMS Shorcuts

    You can create your own SMS shortcuts by combining other words with these common word translations:

    Be B
    For 4
    See C
    To 2
    You U
    Why Y

    Warnings About SMS Shorcuts

    There are a couple of risks to keep in mind with SMS shortcuts.

    The first risk is that the receiver won't understand what you are saying. Stick to the shortcuts that make sense to you and you should be fine.

    The second risk involves using SMS shortcuts outside of SMS or in conversation with business associates. "Normal" people sometimes find SMS shortcuts to be unprofessional.

    Send SMS Messages Online

    You can send SMS messages online at no cost using our Free SMS service.

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    One comment
    1. etta.bartlett2

      26 July, 2015 at 4:13 am


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