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  • 10 Ways a “Dumb” Phone is Better Than a Smartphone

    Phone on ice

    7. Resistant to Cold

    The modern touchscreen technology is also a little less resistant to severe weather conditions, as it turns out. So if you’re going to the poles of the Earth, or more likely you’ve got a really freezing winter, you might have to watch out for it. It might decide to go to sleep on you.

    A dumbphone will, as dumb as it is, just not care and keep chugging along.

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    1. Kris

      4 May, 2018 at 1:48 pm

      I am carrying my dumb phone (was on sale for $4) along my smartphone. I get distracted as soon as I used the smartphone, so I now switch it off when at work. The battery life is definitely the biggest advantage as this article claims. The only disadvantage is that once in a while you might forget your dumb phone at home, so you need to carry it in your favorite pocket.

    2. Tommy Bolton

      17 May, 2017 at 1:45 pm

      Got a Samsung SCH-S336C that has taken a beating and keeps on ticking. Survived a trip in the kitchen oven (helping wife with supper, dropped phone into the oven, took 5 mins to fish it out); numerous wettings, it is Louisiana and we do have a very humid environment; has been slung across the house more than I can count (it’s kinda hard to hang on to); and the little thing, despite the bumps and bruises, will make a call, text, without hesitation. It’s the Eveready bunny minus the ears and tail !

    3. Bram vandenbroeck

      15 January, 2017 at 2:05 am

      Well, i actually did the last point, and i actually carried my dumb phone and smartphone together, and and the end of the journey, i left my smartphone at home because its giving me less headaches, no messenger, no viber, no whatsapp, no battery life issues . . . Have to say that i own a very special “dumb” phone, i have the Nokia 3220 Disco phone, and you know what?? I get more attention from the girls than a guy with an iphone 7 plus, just because when i receive a phone call or a text message, my phone flashes from the sights in some very fancy colors, and that draws more attention from the beauty’s than a iphone 7 plus, coz i aint a snob that has to have the nicest, biggest phone that i can get, but its makes them understand that i am different and that i like to be noticed . . . And that fact alone is a MAJOR overhaul to the females 😉 so damn you smartphone users, my phone is UNIQUE just like I AM!!

      • Kris

        4 May, 2018 at 1:52 pm

        haha, I had a good laugh when I read your comment, Bram! I think a dumb phone does not exclude that you carry a smartphone (as a “computer”, rather than a phone when you need it). I might want to get a disco-Nokia-phone like yours (grappig!), even though I doubt that it will get me any more or less girls… 😉

      • Bryce

        10 August, 2019 at 12:07 am

        I’m a smartphone user and I act just like you because I’m not on my smartphone a lot.I like my smartphone but I’m not addicted like somepeople are.It will be cool if you and me were friends because even tho I’m a smartphone user,I still pay attention to my surroundings.

    4. susan_weber7

      23 July, 2015 at 6:47 pm
    5. Guest

      23 April, 2015 at 3:11 pm


    6. mliblover

      8 August, 2014 at 1:53 am

      Nice article. Seems like today’s “smart-phones” do everything but work reliably as a phone.

      • Bram vandenbroeck

        15 January, 2017 at 2:07 am

        You are so right!!

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